140 Advance Point 

Maitland, FL 32751

(321) 316-4860


Ways to Give

Our 501c3 foundation Advance Learning Foundation helps us bring an amazing educational experience to children, regardless of their financial circumstances. Every gift to Advance Learning Foundation is meaningful and makes a real, tangible difference to our students.  Thank you for your generosity!

Gifts of Cash –Personal checks and credit card payments are two of the most popular ways to make a gift to Advance Learning Foundation. Checks should be made payable to Advance Learning Foundation and can be mailed to:

Advance Learning Foundation
140 Advance Point
Maitland, FL 32751

To pay by credit card, please click on our donate button below, or call our office at 321-316-4860, Extension 101.

Matching Gifts – Many companies match their employees’ charitable contributions. An easy way to see if your company matches is by searching this database. To take advantage of these programs, contact your Human Resources department for a matching gift form, and then complete and return the form to our office.

Volunteer– In addition to essential financial support, we rely on the tremendous volunteer spirit of our community.  Whether it’s joining our APTO, helping in one of our classrooms, or donating your time to an event, dedicated parents and friends make our community thrive.

Please click below if you would like to make a donation to Advance Learning Foundation.